Saturday, February 26, 2011

week 4- Re-examination of character description

Cloyd still has the same attitude towards Sonny and Silvia, but now it seems like he gets more frustrated and angry with both of them. Now when Silvia goes out, Cloyd gets more upset and he is always asking Sonny all of these questions about where she is. Silvia tells Sonny not to say anything when he does see her leave and Cloyd gets upset every time Sonny replies with i don’t know. When Cloyd gets drunk, he gets angry a lot more, especially when Sonny calls him “man”. For example, “ ‘I dunno, man’...’Don’t call me man!’ Then he punched the wall right next to the door and it left a hole.”(149). In the beginning of the book, when Cloyd was first introduced, he seemed like a nice guy. As we got deeper into the story, he started to become more irritated with Sonny and get more angry about things and we also saw his racist side. Now, we see that when he is drunk, he gets really upset with everything and with everyone. In one part of the book, we see him yell and get angrier than he has before. He is yelling at Sonny and Silvia about Pink and about how he thinks that Pink has a black man living with him in his apartment. The way I see it, Cloyd has an anger problem and it seems like his level of anger is increasing more and more throughout the story. However, the perception of this character has somewhat stayed the same, the only difference now is the level of anger.

1 comment:

  1. "You don't read fucking french!"(178). I agree with you Jesus that he has increased his rudeness and anger towards both Sonny and Silvia but more towards Sonny. He still doesn't have the nerve to upset Silvia as much. He tries to make Sonny feel like he's not worth much and that he will not get very far so why learn things that are not going to take him anywhere. "They don't talk French in Mexico." (179). I see Cloyd being so upset with Silvia that he is going to take it out on Sonny some how and Sonny is going to come back at him with frustration and anger.
